Aluminum - Metal Foot Guards
Product Number: 200-5
- $5793 $57.93
The foot guards are metal shields worn over shoes for maximum protection to the entire foot - instep as well as toes - against falling, rolling, or flying objects or accidental tool blows. They are designed to withstand an impact of 75 foot pounds, with a large safety factor designed in. Foot guards fit any shoe (no rights or lefts), with 5" (average) and 5 1/2" (large) widths. They are light enough to be worn comfortably all day. To keep the guard properly positioned, it has a rubber toe clip, crossbar, and either a one-piece rubber strap with a tensioning buckle or a two-piece leather strap with a spring fastening device. Foot guards are available in aluminum alloy or steel, with equal protection from either material. Per Federal Regulations, guards provide protection equal to ANSI-Z41-1999 and ASTM-F2413-05 standards for compression, impact, and metatarsal protection.